Pendleton Avenue

Tax Assessment Block Folder, Kansas City, MO, District 2, Block 170

Folder contains photographs of residences and other buildings in the Pendleton Heights neighborhood, from Pendleton Avenue south to Lexington Avenue, and Garfield Avenue east to Brooklyn Avenue. Photographed houses include the James R. Reber residence, at 201 Garfield, the Charles J. Winn residence, at 205 Garfield, the Elihu W. Hayes residence, at 209 Garfield, and the Pendleton Heights/Fonda Home, at 211 Garfield.

Tax Assessment Block Folder, Kansas City, MO, District 2, Block 168

Folder contains photographs of residences in the Bouton Park addition, adjacent to Kessler park and bounded on the north by Pendleton Avenue and on the east by Garfield Avenue. Photographed homes include the Calvin B. Norton residence at 1833 Pendleton Avenue, the Augustine P. Marty residence at 1841 Pendleton Avenue, and the S.W. Campbell residence at 1851 Pendleton Avenue.

Tax Assessment Block Folder, Kansas City, MO, District 2, Block 163

Folder contains photographs of residences in an area adjacent to Kessler Park, from the park south to Pendleton Avenue, and the park east to Garfield Avenue. The Flavel B. Tiffany Residence, known as the Tiffany Castle, at 100 Garfield Avenue, and the Philip E. Chappell Residence, at 1836 Pendleton, are among the buildings pictured.

Tax Assessment Block Folder, Kansas City, MO, District 2, Block 161

Folder contains photographs of residences in an area adjacent to Kessler Park, from St. John Avenue south to Pendleton Avenue, and Garfield Avenue east to Garfield Place. The John Gilbert residence, at 115 Garfield Avenue, the John I. Standish Residence, at 119 Garfield, and the Morris E. Jones residence, at 135 Garfield Avenue, are among the houses pictured.

Tax Assessment Block Folder, Kansas City, MO, District 2, Block 160

Folder contains photographs of residences and apartment buildings in the Pendleton Heights neighborhood, from St. John Avenue south to Pendleton Avenue, and Garfield Place east to Brooklyn Avenue. The Russell H. Pierce residence, at 134 Brooklyn, is among the houses pictured.